Today is Father’s Day. It’s also the anniversary of my Aunt Patsy’s aka Mama Patsy’s transition (passing).
I miss their physical presence and the love that I had here with them in the physical world — the support, the bond, the adventures… I miss my partners.
I was so blessed and fortunate to have their love. To see myself how they saw me still empowers and gives me strength. That’s a part of what great Daddy’s and Mama’s do — make you believe in yourself… so much so that even when they have been called Home, you still have their lessons and confidence within you — guiding and supporting you.
I remember after my Daddy’s fatal car accident thinking, ‘I just want to make him proud’, but Daddy was always proud of me, so I realized that it’s about making myself proud.
In this lifetime, I am led by love. It sounds so simple, and for years I felt that that that motivation, in a society that demands you grind your life away, wasn’t good enough. But then I would look to God and I would feel Him guide me towards love and away from societal conditioning, and the guilt of not being motivated by ego.
In life, love is the focus, whereas ego is the distraction.
I am grateful to the Lord for guiding me here because I can’t say that I feel that I ever truly “lost” my Daddy or Aunt Patsy. Thank You, God.
Love is the highest frequency.
Love is eternal.
With my eyes fixed upon God, I continue to follow His lead towards love.
I am excited to see my Daddy and Mama Patsy again.
I know they’ll be proud,
and I can’t wait to be able to hug them again.❤️
Gerard says:
Love is the highest frequency