Nurture Your Roots
The “root” chakra is what it sounds like — our root.
This energy center grounds us and claims the energy of peace which is naturally provided by Mother Nature.
Understand that nature is inherently peaceful and seeks to maintain harmony and balance. When you feel out of alignment to peace, you are out of balance with nature.
Nature provides — Within nature we find healing, peace, resources, and security.
Enjoy 11 seconds of fine-tuning with my Quartz Crystal Tuning Fork for the Root Chakra (note: C).
Base of spine. Think of the root chakra as: your root.
Fine-tune your root chakra by: listening to the above video and embracing its healing sounds, spending time in nature, wearing red and even eating red fruits and vegetables, and empowering yourself by embracing your confident roots so that you may bloom.
Red is an empowering color. When you focus on fine-tuning your root chakra, you are empowering yourself. What’s so beautiful about the healing work I have discovered and leaned upon is that I can return to nature to nurture myself and help heal myself. As can you.
Ground yourself in nature in order to empower yourself.
Associated with
Security, Stability, Survival.
If the root chakra is balanced, you will lean towards, and foster feelings of humility and security. Whereas an out of balanced root chakra is said to create conditions of fear, greed, insecurity, and instability.