In our brains, the area called the prefrontal cortex (PFC) deals with cognitive control and decision making. The PFC also plays a large role in what our personality traits are. Activating the PFC leads you towards states of clarity and happiness.

Activating the PFC helps you to feel sharp. In order to activate the PFC keep an attitude of gratitude.

Thankfully, we can counter negative charges of a low-mood by shifting our perspective towards something positive simply by keeping an attitude of gratitude. In some circumstances, finding an alternative perspective may prove difficult, but I do believe we can always find something to be grateful for.

Tip: In moments of feeling lost, use an attitude of gratitude as a hack to find your way back.

Avoid throwing pity parties over minor inconveniences. It’s up to you to determine how to respond to life, and scientifically, it is to your benefit to focus on the positives where and when you can.

In order to activate the PFC, simply have a moment of sincere gratitude… or better yet, many, many moments. I pray your life may be a thank You note to God.

Try this: Before starting your day out in the world, be inspired by the trees. Stretch your arms to the sky. Say a pray of gratitude. Breathe in for a count of four seconds, hold for 7, breathe out, exhaling for 8 seconds. (The Stretch)

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