Happy World IBD Day! Today, we raise awareness for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), which includes the conditions: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (UC).

During my severe UC flare of 2020-2021, I underwent a transformative journey of self-discovery, exploring the incredible healing potential of nature.

The intensity of my UC flare emphasized the significance of “making my highs high,” and recognizing that “Life Is A Magical Adventure” mantras I often leaned on during that challenging time. It became clear to me that in order to heal and become a stronger, thriving individual despite chronic illness, I needed to prioritize myself. And so, I did. I embraced self-love, personal growth, and healing practices I discovered that are natural gifts — and I express gratitude for these gifts and blessings every, single day.

While I have always cherished life’s small moments, my UC flare heightened my appreciation and presence in each passing second.

I am so grateful to God for blessing me with, and blessing, my struggle. I learned so much about myself and the magic of nature through that healing journey with UC. I am a stronger and more healed version of myself, walking into new journey’s and blessings with my head and faith held high. In navigating this beautiful, blessed journey of life, my faith remains steadfast in God’s guidance.

I’m excited to share that in 2021, I released a book titled “Return to Nature.” This book chronicles my journey through traumatic loss and chronic illness, highlighting how the transformative power of nature played a pivotal role in my healing process.

In “Return to Nature,” I delve into my personal experiences with grief, anxiety, and autoimmunity, exploring the profound impact stress has on our well-being, both in sickness and in healing. The book provides invaluable insights and practical tools for managing stress, allowing us to lead healthier and more harmonious lives. It combines personal anecdotes, philosophical musings, and scientific knowledge to guide readers on their own healing path. It is my believe that by sharing personal testimony, we can touch the life of another and from that point — healing spreads in ways we cannot even imagine.

“Return to Nature” encourages us to embrace and navigate all emotions, even those that feel heavy or negative, as a means of healing and finding clarity, focus, and resilience. In a world filled with curated images and false realities, this book invites you to embrace authenticity and extend grace to yourself on the journey towards self-awareness and healing.

As an added bonus, “Return to Nature” includes a guided healing journal spanning over 25 pages, empowering readers to personalize their own healing journey.

On this World IBD Day, let us celebrate the strength and resilience of individuals living with IBD and support ongoing research and awareness efforts. May we all find healing, self-discovery, and a deeper connection to nature in our own lives.

Return To Nature

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