Start Your Day Calm: Simple Morning Strategies

Tip 1: don’t check your phone: Ease your body into wakefulness. When you first wake up, your brain is switching from delta waves, which occur during deep sleep, to theta waves (think daydreaming mode), to producing alpha waves (here, you’re awake, but the brain is still not quite ready to tackle stressors and sensations of […]


Explore the fascinating world of heart rate variability (HRV) and discover how this subtle measure of your heart’s rhythm can provide insights into your inner peace or chaos. Learn how to use HRV as a guide to navigate your way to well-being and peace.

Get High on Nature: 3 Healing Benefits of Mother Nature

Nature has this incredible way of grounding us, bringing us back to the present moment, and inviting us to practice mindfulness. Being in nature allows us to disconnect from the constant stimulation of technology and reconnect with the present moment. When you’re out there in nature, you can tune in to the sounds of birds chirping, the gentle rustle of leaves, and…

Self-Care Is Like Pizza: It’s Always A Good Idea

“Now this is a story all about how…” Cam decided to sit down.
So, picture this: there’s this guy, let’s call him Cam, and life’s got Cam all burnt out. Thankfully, his boy, Devon throws him an anchor — a link to a lil blog that focuses on science-backed wellness practices. You may have heard of it. It’s called, and let me tell you, this blog has got all the sauce and secrets to spiritual wellness…

Learn to Ride The Waves

Stress management tools found in nature provide an oasis of calm amidst our highs and lows. By immersing ourselves in the symphony of nature, practicing mindfulness, grounding ourselves, connecting with water and earth, engaging in physical activity, harnessing the power of breath, embracing creativity, nurturing social connections, and within our prayers we unlock the potential to find serenity within ourselves.

How to manage chronic stress

Chronic stress can suck the joy out of life, but don’t let it define your journey. Today, we will be exploring chronic stress and ways we can take back control and manage it effectively. Chronic stress can take a toll on both our physical and mental health, leaving us feeling exhausted and burnt out. Chronic stress can lead to a wide-range of health issues —

Let’s Talk About “Stress”

Tomorrow at, I’ll share some tips on how to manage stress — such as for acute stress, try taking deep, slow breaths, which helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. In my book, “Return To Nature” I deep dive into the functions of the nervous system and how we can self-regulate. I explain in detail how […]